Enter The Gungeon: Advanced Gungeons-Update bringt neue Inhalte
Autor: AngelvsMadman
19. Juli 2018, 13:17
Vor einiger Zeit haben Dodge Roll, die Entwickler der Shooter/Dungeon-Crawler Mischung Enter The Gungeon ein kostenloses Update ("Advanced Gungeons and Draguns") mit etlichen Verbesserungen angekündigt.
Wenn alles gut läuft, sollte heute Abend der Patch 2.0 verfügbar sein und ETLICHE Verbesserungen und Erweiterungen bringen. Alles kostenlos!
Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:
neue Waffen, Gegenstände, Schreine, NPCs, Räume & Geheimnisse
neue Gegnertypen und Minibosse
Spieler kann über Tische rutschen
Spare Gesundheitsupgrades für später wenn du aktuell Keine benötigst
Teleportiere dich in mehr Räume als bis jetzt
finde den Turbo-Modus
Verbesserung der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit wenn du nicht im Kampf bist und zusätzliche Zielhilfe
Die vollständigen Patch-Notes sind:
Patch 2.0.0 (Available 10 am EST)
New Features
New guns, items, enemies, shrines, NPCs, rooms, and secrets
Tons of new and powerful synergies - look for the blue arrow and improved item notification
New minibosses (Blockner's Ghost and the all-new Fuselier)
New Spread Ammo box - adds a small amount of ammo to all equipped guns
Slide over tables by dodge rolling toward them!
Save hearts for later when at full health - pick them up at the new heart dispenser located at every floor entrance and shop (note: stored hearts are reset each floor!)
Added teleporters to more rooms (including chest rooms and exit rooms)
Turbo mode - delve into the Gungeon to find a new NPC who can enable this high-octane mode
Added a new gameplay option to increase movement speed when not in combat (for those who wanna go fast but don't want to be shot at fast)
Added additional aim assist options (particularly for those who can’t or don't like using the right stick)
Added Ultrawide support (set the graphics scaling to “Fast Scaling” or “Uniform Scaling”)
Gameplay Changes/Improvements
Added a new loot profile which improves shop contents, increases room reward frequency, and tweaks item/chest drop rates to be more generous, particularly early in runs. This is enabled by default but can be changed in the options menu.
Replaced “key forcing” with tweaked key drop rates and guaranteed keys in the shopws of the first two floors. There should no longer be any benefit to leaving a key uncollected.
Removed locked shops
Modified Robot balance (now receives casings for health up items and +1 armor for mastery tokens)
Increased Hegemony credit drop rate, enabled credits to drop in shortcut runs, and added a credit reward for the first tutorial completion
Reduced the required kills on some of the longer Frifle hunts
Gave the smash tent and lost adventurer their own minimap icons
Added a new type of challenge for the Gunsling King
Glass Guon stones will no longer be stolen by the Resourceful Rat
Bullats can now drop casings if killed before they fire themselves
Charge guns can now be charged before entering a boss room and will keep their charge through the intro
Added an option to enable controller aim assist for beam weapons (formerly only worked on non-beam weapons)
Removed player-damage from several explosive items
Players now drop all items when killed in coop
Gave the Chaingunner a new attack with some range (watch out!)
Placed limits on boss attacks that leave the boss invulnerable for extended period of times (High Priest and Cannonbalrog can each only use their immune attacks twice)
You may now receive a gun from the “shopkeeper” on taking the shortcut to the second floor, similar to the other shortcuts.
Skusket's now spawn their bullets more slowly when the player is nearby (to reduce cases where the player takes damage immediately upon entering a room)
Reduced the effectiveness of player explosions destroying enemy bullets when many explosions are used rapidly
Sped up blobulon death animation speeds (to reduce the time you need to wait for them to split)
Made balancing changes to many guns and items (too many to list here)
Probably many other small things we've forgotten about!
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where firing very large bullets could fail when the player was standing near a wall
Fixed an issue where Lead Maidens did not remain open when frozen
Fixed a dungeon generation bug that could cause hallways to incorrectly connect to nearby rooms (including corners of boss rooms)
Fixed an issue where starting weapons/items couldn't be dropped by any character (should only be locked on the character that starts with that item)
Fixed an issue where moving platforms could become desynced, making some rooms difficult or impossible to traverse
Fixed an issue where ammolets failed to give extra blanks when loading a midgame save
Fixed an issue where some shootable projectiles were not considered targets for aim assist (specifically the Dragun, High Priest and the boss in the Pilot’s past)
Fixed an issue where some non-shootable objects were considered targets for aim assist (the Mine Flayer’s mines)
Fixed an issue where purple lanterns didn't appear for some NPCs
Fixed an issue where aim assist behaved unpredictably on the Kill Pillars
Fixed an issue where Rubber Kin and Tazies could get stuck in doors, or clip through them causing a soft lock
Fixed an issue where the Resourceful Rat could steal some items from the floor of secret rooms
Fixed an issue where Keybullet Kin weren't affected by aim assist, homing projectiles, orbitals or companions
Fixed an issue where debris would hover in the air after falling on a moving platform
Fixed an issue where the Yellow Chamber could fail to remove enemies
Fixed an issue where curse values didn't persist on death in coop
Fixed an issue where enemies could spawn in the back wall of the Bullet King’s throne room
Fixed an issue where the Gorgun's stone gaze didn't affect some types of weapons
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