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Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae 2.0 erscheint im Mai
Autor: crack-king28. April 2015, 08:38

Der ersten Auflage von Final Fantasy Type-0 HD lag ein Code für die Demo von Final Fantasy XV bei und mittlerweile hat sich Square Enix zu der Demo zahlreiches Feedback eingeholt und die genannten Probleme in einem Videoreport angesprochen. Demnach soll noch im Mai ein Update auf Version 2.0 für die Demo erscheinen, welches zahlreiche Probleme beseitigen soll. Dazu gehören Dinge wie ein besseres Kamera-System, besseres Lock-On, Veränderungen beim Kampfsystem usw. Anbei noch eine kurze Auflistung der am häufigsten genannten Probleme:

1. Lock-on
2. Camera too close.(planning to pull it back when in combat and possibly add camera controls for players)
3. Camera felt sluggish and heavy
4. A.I. is dumb. Allies get in the way of moving.
5. Jaggies, the drop in framerate.(anti-aliasing will be in the full game; will prioritize framerate over resolution although still aiming for full HD)
6. Motion and movement is slow, specifically battle movements(Speed from previous trailers like the E3 behemoth fight was reduced due to Noctis being near unstoppable and eliminating the need for a party)
7. Mini-map?(They will add one)
8. Want for a dodge action that doesn't rely on MP(the warp dodge was a leveled up version of the dodge roll, that doesn't need MP, which will also be in the main game)
9. Having to hide behind rocks to recover MP, Everything relies on MP(probably won't lose the focus on MP)
10. Battles are too difficult( Japan found battles difficult, NA found them easy; possibility of adding a difficulty option)
11. Game is too monotonous; repetitive battles, bad controls(looking to add button remapping for players)
12. The stamina for sprinting is annoying(looking to make certain foods may improve dashing distance and speed in the full game)
13. Warping as a regular means of travel( was implementable in February but caused many bugs so was cut; unlikely to be in the full game)
14. Cancel attacks by evading(even Tabata wanted this when playing; already implemented in the full game although you can't cancel out of every attack)
15. Bugs everywhere (lol they realized people could get to Titan)

Unser Preview zu Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae

Quelle: NeoGaf

Infos zum Spiel
NameFinal Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae
SystemPlayStation 4
PublisherSquare Enix
EntwicklerSquare Enix

#1         Kommentar zitieren
Dann bin ich ja froh, dass ich die Demo noch nicht direkt gelöscht habe großes Grinsen

28.4.2015, 09:35

#2         Kommentar zitieren
Schön dass man für diese "Paid Demo" jedenfalls kostenfreie Updates bekommt Troll

28.4.2015, 10:02

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